Here is a link to Chuck Colson's latest. For my own commentary, here are a couple of thoughts.
1. While I am a signee of the Manhattan Declaration, and I agree that this falls under their category of "religious freedom," there is a more profound way to frame this. Is any citizen (or in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, any group) allowed to practice their faith outside of the church building when it conflicts with Caesar's (government's) priorities? I am weary of the presumption that government is religiously neutral. As one speaker says, worldview comes out our fingertips. And the government has bought into the same amoral scientific naturalism that atheists espouse. Disregard for Biblical definitions is reflected in policies and laws all over the place, aided and abetted by the news and entertainment industry's effective propaganda campaign to "normalize" aberrant behavior.
2. Outrage (such as Colson expresses here), scorn, ridicule and a bombardment with the facts have not effectively drowned out the voice of media pundits who distort every argument that contains worldview implications. As regards the media, we truly are a nation of sheep. We are incredibly easily misled. Although we must not stop speaking the truth, we must realize that only by living truly counter-cultural (read Biblical) lifestyles will we hope to make any difference. And right now, Christians appear to have more faith in political power than in the success of applied Biblical principles. This must change.
Amen! That's what I've been saying...the church was here before America and it will be here after it's gone (unless the Lord returns). I especially agree with the last two sentences. That is why vote is based on my worldview, not a strategic winner-picker.