Thursday, July 5, 2012

Equipping ourselves - Messianic prophecies

It is emotionally very difficult for some Christians to accept our minority status in today's culture. The demeanor of the unbelieving world around us ranges from aggressive and willful indifference to unmasked hatred of God. So inured are we to this rejection of God's revelation, that we are apt to fall prey to the baseless presuppositions and cynical attitudes of the society we live in.

In The Silver Chair, Jill and Eustace had a real and unmistakeable face-to-face encounter with Aslan himself, and yet, when faced with hardships in fulfilling the task He had set for them (rescuing the trapped Prince Rilian), they still succombed to the "real world" thinking of those around them - worrying about shelter, hot baths, and food. 

Aslan had thoughtfully provided the antidote for this in advance: repeating the "signs" which were to guide their mission. Any reader who has enjoyed this story can remember the frustration one feels when they gradually cease repeating the signs. "The signs!" one wants to scream. "How could you forget?"      

But we are a forgetful people, which is part of the reason for the Sabbath - a cycle that forces us out of the survival rat race and back into contemplation of the eternal. I ran across a site today which reminded me of our tremendous need to "repeat the signs."  With skeptics being interviewed on talk shows and podcasts who question the very historicity of Jesus Himself, it is easy to forget how dramatically God prepared the earth for the arrival of His Son. 

You can go here to enjoy a list of over one hundred specific prohecies of the Messiah from the Old Testament  which were clearly fulfilled in Christ.  These are the kind of signs we should be repeating to ourselves daily as we dwell in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation. The Holy Scriptures have been provided for us for just such a purpose as this - and because we are forgetful.


It isn't that we lack historical evidence.
It isn't because there is evil in the world ("How could there be a God!?")
It isn't because the Bible contradicts itself (when clearly taught).
It isn't because it produces bad fruit.
It isn't because "all so-called Christians are hypocrites."
It isn't because it doesn't make sense.

It isn't because of any of these things that people do not follow Christ. It's because we live in a fallen world, which is at enmity with God. We must live faithfully, stick to the mission, repeat the signs, and trust God for the outcome.  Faint not!

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