Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kitchen revelation

Okay, this may not sound like much of a revelation, but it needs a little context. 

Both in my vocation and avocations, I have lots of opportunities to experience rejection. Some of it is very direct, but it also comes in subtle forms, ranging from tiny but constant corrections and critiques, to unintentional disregard (people ignoring me without realizing it). Usually, it isn't me personally that is being rejected, but it's the value of things I stand for, believe in, and practice.

A mature Christian prays about this, goes to the Word, meditates on the sufferings of Christ, counts his blessings, expresses gratitude to God, and presses on. I get that, and am thankful that God grants grace and strength to go on.

But "sometimes a light surprises"* and yesterday I had one of those moments. It wasn't a dramatic mountaintop setting. Linda and I were standing in the kitchen. Spontaneously, we began naming the reasons we are content in our calling as Christian educators. Iron sharpened iron as we piled reason upon reason that we are fulfilled in what we do. The revelatory part was that we always knew this cognitively, but in a gracious act of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we felt validated as ministers. We knew in our hearts that what we do has unique ministry validity, in spite of the disregard of others, and in spite of what most people in the church regard as vocational ministries. We embraced and thanked God together.

Later in the day, two more validations blessed and humbled me. I was able to have an hour-long conversation with a former student I had not seen in several years - a fine young man serving God in bold and faithful ways.             

And I received this e mail from the parent of a current student:

Dear Dr. Askew,
I just love this book. [Little Pilgrim's ProgressIt is great!!!  Thank you so much for introducing me to this book.  M--- is loving it, and the university style of schooling has allowed me to be able to talk with M--- about this book………….God gave me an opportunity to talk truth to M---………….in a very neat way, to talk about our faith in a more grown up way… was so cool, and the characters are so neat in this book.  I want to give this book to my two so called nieces.  What a neat way to explain about God’s love.

Sometimes a light surprises
  The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
  With healing in His wings;
When comforts are declining,
  He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
  To cheer it after rain.

William Cowper (1731-1800)

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