Friday, February 3, 2012

Presidential Prayer Team

When I was keeping the Dove Mountaineers blog, I was accustomed to two things I won't be doing here: (1) linking to my Presidential Prayer Team articles whenever a new one came out, and (2) announcing each Friday (at the initial request of a family who no longer attend my class) what the topic would be for the following Sunday. Yet it always seemed to come to a surprise to my Sunday School class that I even write a column for Presidential Prayer Team (and Steve got so embarrassed at my mentioning it recently that he mock-chided me in front of the class for "self-promotion" - there's truth in every jibe, I know). And the class as a whole didn't seem to pay attention to the weekly reminders. I think it's safe to say that they are generally not net readers.

Nevertheless, I like writing for PPT and and am thankful to continue doing so. It leads me to research in venues I might not ordinarily be delving into, and it meshes nicely with my commitment to the Manhattan Declaration. I have more to say about this another time, but by the time I edit this for typos (thank you, Friendly Fire) it will be time to leave for  the new Dad's study breakfast at Veritas Academy.

Anyway, I do have a new article out and you can go to it here.


  1. I always loved the reminders. I do not normally go to that site until I read that you have a new article posted.

    I always think of your articles as "A voice in the Wilderness", which of course makes me think of wonderful things from the past.

    1. So this is our private site right now, right? You da best! Thanks for commenting.
